Friday, March 5, 2010

are you doing car pool

To work, to church, to the stores, to school; there are lots of ways to carpool. Do you fill up your car whenever you can? (People can even pitch in on the gas, that's another savings.)
hey! if not please go for it

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Benifits of carpooling

The benefits of carpooling are many, but some that are most often reported include:

  • Savings — in some cases dramatic — on the costs of commuting
  • A faster and less stressful journey
  • Less wear and tear on your vehicle
  • Less stressful commuting/less driving
  • Reduced traffic congestion and fuel consumption
  • Helping to keep the air clean
  • Unexpected benefits like making new friends and keeping more consistent work hours

Do the new do car pool

Do you drive to work or to school in delhi ncr region? Maybe you know someone around the neighbourhood or close by that you can car pool with. Why drive two cars when you can have one on the road? You can reduce traffic, have company, and spilt the cost of gas. Instead of driving everywhere…walk or bike it there. Thirty minutes of walking wont kill you, it will service master new market cart probably help you maintain or lose some weight, and you can save the environment of carbon gas. Enjoy the fresh air and walk to the grocery store if you are only planning to get few items. Get those wheel carts you stereotypically see with eldery people and you can cart more items around. Decorate it if you really want to personalize it.

Do the new do car pool

Do the new do car pool

Welcome to – the easy way to carpool in the delhi ncr region. Here, we do all the work for you. All you need to do is register, follow a few quick steps and we’ll find carpooling matches for you. We make it easy for you to say goodbye to those long solo drives to and from work, and hello to more money in your pocket with lower fuel costs each week. And that's just one of the many reasons to carpool. Why not preview our members’ site and see how simple it is to give carpooling a try? We also provide attractive options for employers to help you make the most of the business benefits of carpooling.

" Do the new do car pool "

Monday, March 1, 2010

car pool in delhi ncr region

noida, gurgaon,faridabad,gaziabaad

do car pool

do the new do car pool just visit